Bruce P. Matez, Esq. Awarded The Honorable Joseph M. Nardi, Jr. Award
Bruce P. Matez, Esq., was awarded the Joseph M. Nardi, Jr Award by the Thomas S. Forkin Family Law American Inn of Court at their annual end-of-year banquet on June 19, 2018.
The Joseph M. Nardi, Jr. Award award is presented to a member of the South Jersey Family Law community whose commitment to the practice of law encourages and exemplifies civility, humility, compassion and a moral/ethical obligation to the welfare of children and families, in general. This commitment should be further evidenced by participation in continuing legal education, whether formally or informally, and a willingness to act as an advisor/mentor to less experienced attorneys.
Bruce P. Matez, Esq. was a founding member of the Thomas S. Forkin Family Law American Inn of Court (Executive Committee 1997-2009). The Thomas S. Forkin Family Law American Inn of Court was founded in 1996 in Camden County, New Jersey. Originally known as the “South Jersey Family Law AIC” in its charter year, the Inn attracted membership from attorneys and Family Part Judges with offices located in the South Jersey counties of Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Atlantic.
As American Inns of Court are permitted to have a specialized focus, the emphasis of this Inn is on family law and matrimonial litigation. Program topics include not only the review of substantive areas of law, but practical tips and “how to” lessons through audience participation and round-table discussions.
American Inns of Court are designed to improve the skills, professionalism and legal ethics of the bench and bar. They provide lawyers with the opportunity to learn side-by-side with the most experienced judges and lawyers in their community. The objectives of each Inn are as follows:
- To establish a society of judges, lawyers, legal educators, law students, and others to promote excellence in legal advocacy in accordance with the Professional Creed of the American Inns of Court;
- To foster greater understanding of and appreciation for the adversary system of dispute resolution in American law, with particular emphasis on ethics, civility, professionalism and legal skills;
- To provide significant educational experiences that will improve and enhance the abilities of lawyers as counselors and advocates, and of judges as adjudicators and judicial administrators;
- To promote interaction and collegiality among all legal professionals in order to minimize misapprehensions, misconceptions, and failures of communication that obstruct the effective practice of law;
- To facilitate the development of law students, recent law school graduates, and less experienced lawyers as skilled participants in the American court system;
- To preserve and transmit ethical values from one generation of legal professionals to the next; and
- To build upon the genius and strengths of the common law and the English Inns of Court and to renew and inspire joy and zest in legal advocacy as a service worthy of constant effort and learning.
The American Inns of Court is one of the fastest growing legal organizations in the country. Currently, more than 25,000 state, federal, and administrative law judges, lawyers, legal scholars and law students are actively involved in local Inns. The American Inns of Court have been endorsed by the Conference of Chief Justices, the Judicial Administration Division of the ABA, and the Seventh Circuit Committee on Professionalism.